At Reliable Plumbing, we’re committed to eliminating avoidable risks – completing every job professionally and safely.
Commercial plumbing is never risk-free, but we make sure that every job is completed in a safe and healthy work environment. Each member of our team understands the importance of workplace safety and is committed to avoiding any unnecessary risk to themselves, to colleagues, to the public and to our clients.
We are extremely proud of our safety record. In the company’s history, there have been no significant Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) issues. Additionally, there have been no OH&S non-compliances reported by any client or other third party.
You can take comfort that we comply with all our responsibilities regarding safety under all applicable legislation, compliance codes and industry guidelines. We meet our obligations under the Occupational Health & Safety Act 2004, the Occupational Health & Safety Regulations 2007 and the Victorian Plumbing Regulations 2008. Reliable Plumbing fully supports WorkSafe Victoria’s regular initiatives to improve state-wide standards of occupational safety and employee health.

We believe that working safely demands more than just complying with the law.
To ensure the safety of our staff and clients, we maintain a comprehensive OH&S Policy which documents our policies, procedures, safe-work method statements (SWMSs) and training framework. But the job doesn’t end there. We provide regular specialist training for our people to prepare them for the unfamiliar hazards they may face in commercial premises – making everybody’s safety our first priority. We are proud to have achieved Cm3 certification which gives us external assessment of our OH&S Systems. We are committed to work towards accreditation to AS/NZS ISO 45001:2018 (OH&S Management System) in due course. You can have faith that the robustness of our safety processes and systems will protect you and your staff.
Above all, we recognise that health and safety at work requires a team-based approach for maximum effect. We fulfil our obligations towards our employees and contractors and consult with them on matters affecting their workplace health, safety and welfare. In turn, we expect a responsible, professional approach from our people to ensure that Reliable Plumbing’s excellent safety record is maintained.
Don’t leave your safety or that of your people to chance. Call Reliable Plumbing today on 1300 78 20 40.